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Rules & Regulations

Here you will find the rules and regulations for sellers to participate in Landmark Mercantile Livestock Auctions, regarding cattle, sheep, goats, and dairy cattle, for both in-state and out-of-state livestock.

In-State Livestock


  • To sell bulls aged 1 year and older as breeding stock, show proof of a negative Trichomoniasis (Trich) test within 60 days prior to the auction.

  • ​Bulls that are 1 year of age or younger are not required to have a Trich test.

  • We can provide a Trich test and it cattle will be sold at the next available auction, upon receiving the results. Consigner will be required to pay all vet fees, feed and yardage

  • To sell bulls as slaughter aged 1 year and older have to have a pending Trich test.

  • Bulls with a positive Trich test result can and will be sold as slaughter cattle.

  • Brand Required 

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173

Cows, Calves & Steers

  • Cattle are required to be branded and the brand must be pealed

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173

Dairy Cattle

  • For in-state there are no requirements for health papers or Negative TB Test.

  • Brand is required

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


  • All sheep are required to have brand - ear tag, paint brand or ear tattoo.

  • Brand tag/scrapie tag, prior to sale.

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


    • All goats are required to have brand - ear tag, paint brand or ear tattoo.

    • Brand tag/scrapie tag, prior to sale.

    • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


  • A livestock inspection is required from your district inspector to sell.

Cattle without a brand or proof of ownership will be sold as strays by the New Mexico Livestock Board at the Landmark Livestock Auction. Proof of ownership must be provided at a later date to receive funds.

Out-of-State Livestock


  • To sell bulls aged 1 year and older as breeding stock, show proof of a negative Trichomoniasis (Trich) test within 60 days prior to the auction.

  • ​Bulls that are 1 year of age or younger are not required to have a Trich test.

  • We can provide a Trich test and it cattle will be sold at the next available auction, upon receiving the results. Consigner will be required to pay all vet fees, feed and yardage

  • To sell bulls as slaughter, you are not required to have a Trich test.

  • Bulls with a positive Trich test result can and will be sold as slaughter cattle.

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173

Cows, Calves & Steers

  • Must meet state of origins requirements.

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173

Dairy Cattle

  • Dairy cattle are required to have health papers and a negative TB within 60 days test. No TB test it will be sold as slaughter.

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


  • Sheep are required to have scrapie tag

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


  • Goats are required to have scrapie tag.

  • Hauling permit is required - Call us at (575) 635-4173


  • Horses are required to have current health certificate, current coggins and entry permit number.

Buying Livestock that will be transported across state lines will be required to pay the fee for Out of State Exit Papers.

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